Today we had... DEATH TEMPLE! But before that a little testimony. These past two transfers we have been reading the BoM as a mission, because of the apostolic blessing that Elder Bednar pronounced upon us that the gospel of Christ would be open to our understanding. Well I fell behind. Way behind. So behind that on Thursday Aug 9 I was only in Mosiah 6. But then the Spirit of the Lord was wrought upon my soul and a desire to finish the Book was engraved upon my heart. I read like crazy, my soul focus has been reading that Book. As of this morning, 13 days after I started it, I am finished with it. I bear sincere and solemn witness that this Book is of God. As I have become dedicated to reading the Book of Mormon, my spirit has changed. I know for a fact that every time you read the BoM cover to cover, you become a better person. Problems become less of a problem, blessings become more of a blessing. Weaknesses turn to strengths and strengths turn to strengthier things (anybody know what that would be called?) How great is God for giving us this witness of His divine Son?! Who can say enough of our great and marvelous Father?! The plan of happiness is real eveyone! Jesus Christ is real! And there was no better than to rejoice in my testimony than in His house this morning. True happiness only comes from walking the path. I wish my investigators could see that. I especially wish the Izaguirre family could see that. They have so much potential as individuals and as a family. I will stay with them until the end, my hope in them, in all my investigators, is eternal.
To the edge my family, whom you are if you are reading this, L
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